A Cut in the Rates

Short Play, Drama  /  2w, 1m

When Miss Pickhart visits the illusionist Ratchet on official Town Hall business, she discovers a sinister secret. Alone in the cellar after Ratchet is called away, she confronts the ghost of Rosalinda who met an untimely death during the saw the woman in half trick.

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    2w, 1m
  • Suggested Use
    • UIL Approved


When Miss Pickhart visits the illusionist Ratchet on official Town Hall business, she discovers a sinister secret. Alone in the cellar after Ratchet is called away, she confronts the ghost of Rosalinda who met an untimely death during the saw the woman in half trick. The ghost believes it was not an accident and calls upon Miss Pickhart to release her. To do this Miss Pickhart must relive that fateful night and climb into the cabinet. It seems as though she too is to meet a grim death until the play takes an unexpected twist.



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    Licensing & Materials

    • Minimum Fee: £30 per performance plus VAT when applicable.
      This title may have restrictions in place for London based productions. Please submit a licence request to confirm specific availability.


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    Alan Ayckbourn

    Alan Ayckbourn

    A playwright and theatre director, to date Alan Ayckbourn has written 89 plays – Family Album attracted four-star reviews when it premiered in September 2022 at the Stephen Joseph, where nearly all his plays are first staged.

    However, this year he will stage his 88th play Welc ...

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